News - Notes from a craft studio Photo tips wk2

Eleven ways to make the most of your tripod

Eleven ways to make the most of your tripod

  Adjust the legs before positioning the tripod, that way you'll know thet are all the same height. Don't extend the legs too much, it will make your tripod unstable...

Eleven ways to make the most of your tripod

  Adjust the legs before positioning the tripod, that way you'll know thet are all the same height. Don't extend the legs too much, it will make your tripod unstable...

Seven ways to save time finding your digital images

Seven ways to save time finding your digital im...

You’ve probably got quite a lot of digital images by now, from your camera, tablet and phone, and adding more by the day. Getting organised can save you heaps of...

Seven ways to save time finding your digital im...

You’ve probably got quite a lot of digital images by now, from your camera, tablet and phone, and adding more by the day. Getting organised can save you heaps of...

Nine time saving steps to organise your images

Nine time saving steps to organise your images

  With digital technology, we capture so many photos....its important to stay on top of organising them.  Here's a monthly checklist to keep you in track. Each month, check you've:...

Nine time saving steps to organise your images

  With digital technology, we capture so many photos....its important to stay on top of organising them.  Here's a monthly checklist to keep you in track. Each month, check you've:...

Digital Photo Storage 101

Digital Photo Storage 101

Storing digital photos doesn’t take up physical space, but it does take up hard drive space, so it makes sense to get organised.  Organising your photos will save you time...

Digital Photo Storage 101

Storing digital photos doesn’t take up physical space, but it does take up hard drive space, so it makes sense to get organised.  Organising your photos will save you time...

Seven steps to get your printed photos organised

Seven steps to get your printed photos organised

   Do you find yourself overwhelmed by the amount and variety of photos you have scattered around the house?  Or perhaps you’ve inherited a photo collection or become the go-to...

Seven steps to get your printed photos organised

   Do you find yourself overwhelmed by the amount and variety of photos you have scattered around the house?  Or perhaps you’ve inherited a photo collection or become the go-to...

7 photo organising dilemmas and how to solve them

7 photo organising dilemmas and how to solve them

1.  I don’t know where to start Start with making a plan on how to get organised.  Where can you gather all your photos together? Where are they all –...

7 photo organising dilemmas and how to solve them

1.  I don’t know where to start Start with making a plan on how to get organised.  Where can you gather all your photos together? Where are they all –...