News - Notes from a craft studio Photo tips wk2

How precious are your memories?

How precious are your memories?

My inherited family album sits in pride of place in my bookshelf...  i love it... A weighty tome, with gold edged pages, thick card inserts and beautiful watercolour decorated frames...

How precious are your memories?

My inherited family album sits in pride of place in my bookshelf...  i love it... A weighty tome, with gold edged pages, thick card inserts and beautiful watercolour decorated frames...

Phone Camera Settings 101

A smartphone's camera can be a scrapbookers most useful, immediate, and powerful tool. However, navigating through the myriad of phone camera settings can be overwhelming. Lets look at a few...

Phone Camera Settings 101

A smartphone's camera can be a scrapbookers most useful, immediate, and powerful tool. However, navigating through the myriad of phone camera settings can be overwhelming. Lets look at a few...

14 Tips for more memorable photos

You've worked your way past cutting off heads and you can avoid blurry, but you're still not getting the pictures you want. Here are a few simple tips for taking...

14 Tips for more memorable photos

You've worked your way past cutting off heads and you can avoid blurry, but you're still not getting the pictures you want. Here are a few simple tips for taking...

Photo Perspectives

Capturing Everyday Moments In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, there are countless moments that pass by unnoticed. However, with the right perspective and a keen eye, you...

Photo Perspectives

Capturing Everyday Moments In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, there are countless moments that pass by unnoticed. However, with the right perspective and a keen eye, you...

Photographing your everyday life

Discovering beauty in the seemingly ordinary is often missed as we document the occasions and events that make up our lives. Here’s a few ideas to guide you through the...

Photographing your everyday life

Discovering beauty in the seemingly ordinary is often missed as we document the occasions and events that make up our lives. Here’s a few ideas to guide you through the...

Labelling printed photos

Even though most of us are now using digital cameras, we invariably have many older, printed photos in our possession. Beyond the joy of holding memories in hand lies the...

Labelling printed photos

Even though most of us are now using digital cameras, we invariably have many older, printed photos in our possession. Beyond the joy of holding memories in hand lies the...