February 2023 Wk2 Scrapbook Page Layout

Posted by Linda Gransby on

February 2023 wk2 scrapbook page layout

Lets talk about how to stick acetate embellishments.

I get lots of questions about how to stick clear acetate embellishments to scrapbook pages.  As this page by our guest scrapbook uses acetate, its a good time to talk about what you can do.

Ideally we don’t want our readers to see the glue.  Here’s a few suggestions you can try to get around this sticky problem.

Brads – Use a pokey tool or thick needle to punch a hole in a corner of the acetate and the place on the paper that you want to adhere it to.  Then simply push the brad through and open up with split pin on the reverse of your page.

Eyelets – Have you got a crop-a-dile or similar?  Use eyelets the same way as brads

Glossy Accents – Use the clear version and coat the whole of the back of the acetate item you want to stick.  Press it down firmly to get rid of air bubbles before it dries. (a brayer works well for this if you have one)

Staples – Tiny staples work well, but you’ll need to have your acetate positioned near the edge of the paper to make this work with the stapler.

Ribbon – punch a hole in the acetate and background paper, and thread ribbon through (cotton thread would work too).

Xyron glue machine – If you’ve got a Xyron gathering dust, you can add a complete layer of glue to the reverse of your acetate.

Vellum tape runner – I’ve had mixed results with this, sometimes it shows through.  (If it does you can always cover offending area using the following:

Stickers – if all else fails or you’ve got nothing to hand.  Use stickers to cover up over the top of where you’ve glued the acetate down

Hide it – conceal the glue by putting some paper accents over the top!!