Master your machine weekend


Electronic Cutting Workshop Priority Waiting List

Lets make the electronic cutting workshops as useful and valuable TO YOU as possible

Let me know what level of expertise you are at and I can plan it exactly to help you.  (its just a guide for now, so just pick your best guess if you're not sure)

Click your chosen level, a page will open for you to join the priority waiting list 

Beginner (not sure how to get started, not used it or tried and need help, would like an expert to help me)
Improver (had a go at cutting, need more confidence in basic use, want help to understand how to do what I want)
Intermediate (know how to cut and size, now eager to learn more capabilities in addition to just cutting)
Advanced (Confident with all the basics, now want to exploit all the options & get some help from an expert as I experiment


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