....scrap what you love.....
The first layout from this months guest scrapbooker Ginny just reminds me how lovely it is to mark our day to day life and pleasures.
Its really worth thinking about creating a hobby album to showcase your skills. It may seem a little self indulgent, but we make albums for others, why not for ourselves too?
If you don't have enough about a hobby to document, then how about making a 'Book of Me' with pages about yourself.... Your likes and dislikes, Tv or books you enjoy, hobbies, places you love, recipes.... the list is endless....
As a family historian, what I love about a Book of Me is that it paints a picture of a person. A picture you'd never get from looking at official documents. The personal story is almost invariably the part that is missing from our research into our family trees.
With that in mind, why not have a go, leave a legacy for historians of the future to discover!