October 2022 Wk3 Scrapbook page layout

October 2022 Wk3 scrapbook page layout
This month is the turn of guest scrapbooker Sally to showcase her pages  All of her pages this month are inspired by layout ideas from The Weekly Sketch (click here to get yours each week, its free!)

Let’s talk titles.

Why include a title?  It announces to your reader what the page is about, sets the scene or gives information about the event or place being documented.

A title also gives a page balance, announces a new subject to the reader.  If you want some inspiration, pick up a magazine or brochure and flick through the pages.  How do they layout each article or signpost you to the next subject?  You can scrap lift techniques and styles from magazines and use them on your pages.

How to create a title?  There are an unlimited number of ways to include a title on your layout.  Think about using cardstock and cutting letters out like Sally has done in this layout.  If you back them on a coordinating colour they really stand out on the page.

You could use sticky letters, or even keep it really simple with pens and a stencil.  How about cutting the title out of the guidebook if you are scrapping travel photos.  Take a photo of the sign of the place you are visiting and use the photo as your title.  Finally, If you’re not feeling particularly creative, print one out on your computer.

These page were completed using a selection of items from the Memories and Photos October 2022 scrapbox kit, (see the whole kit here) 
The kits are while stocks last, but you can guarantee your kit every month, and get  free postage and 10% off all your purchases, by joining the Scrapbox Club subscription box


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