May 2022 Scrapbook Page layout example Wk4
Ahhh... this page flows beautifully, with the colours and the snowflakes. This double page layout gains its inspiration from The Weekly Sketch for this week (click here to get it, its free!)
I love how our guest scrapbooker, Penny, has matted the two main photographs. Matting (adding coloured cardstock behind a photo to create a frame) can highlight an image that is key to the page.
Matting is also good if you have a very patterned background, so that the viewers eye can pick the images out more easily - think of matting as a signpost..!
Plain coloured cardstock is part of my essential scrapbooker's kit. It's cost effective; cardstock only works out at a few pence per sheet; and versatile; you can use for matting and layering, and for full page backgrounds.