May 2022 Scrapbook Page layout example Wk3

May 2022 Scrapbook Page layout example Wk3
Creating a 3D feel to your pages, doesnt have to mean lots of bumpy embellishments.  If you are careful you can add texture and interest and still be able to close your album!   (No one likes a cheese wedge shaped album... IYKWIM?)
On this layout using The Weekly Sketch, and this months Scrap Box Kit, Penny has used paper flowers and tiny gems to add the interest.
You might also try adding a little height using foam pads behind either photos or embellishments. 
Inking around the edge of cardstock with a permanant pigment ink pad can also give the effect of layers on a page.
If you don't get The Weekly Sketch yet, click here to request  (its free!)
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