Hi, I’m Helen and I’m a craftaholic!
For as long as I can remember I have always sewed, drawn, made, crafted, built, painted, and scrapped. I’m at my happiest when doing something creative. I blame (not really) my grandmother and mum for instilling in me the love of all things handmade.
I was introduced to scrapbooking and immediately became hooked by my partner in crime aka my wonderful mum Brenda around 20 years ago! Who knew how quickly one’s ‘stash’ of all things paper related could grow so quickly! It was a perfect outlet for unleashing my creative side as with a then young family of 3 children I had plenty of opportunities to scrap as many moments as possible, big and small of our hectic family life. Even the dog had her own scrapbook.
My style has changed over the years and I’m happy to try anything new and different to add to my pages. I particularly love using inks for an extra pop of colour plus as many embellishments as I can fit on a page. I belong to a craft group that meet once a month for a full day of scrapping and try to get away once a year to Linda’s Memories and Photos craft retreats. (click here for more info & dates)
I love the sketch layouts so much I have a bundle of them printed out for easy reference. (Editor: you can get my book of Sketches on Amazon – search for Linda Gransby)
I may only take one small element from a sketch to get me started or use it in its entirety. I have learnt from Linda the importance of journaling and I no longer put it off until later as that invariably never happens.
I am lucky enough to have a dedicated craft room called ‘The Up Up’ as it’s in the attic room up two flights of stairs. I share the space with my sewing machines and tons of fabrics as well as my beloved drum kit … it’s a great stress reliever and great fun and as it’s in the attic no one can hear me!
Happy Crafting Everyone!!