June 2022 wk3 scrapbook page layout

June 2022 wk3 scrapbook page sketch
Our guest scrapbooker Jackie, has been really clever with the paper on this layout, inspired by The Weekly Sketch (click here to get yours each week, its free!)
You could easily recreate this photo gallery effect on your pages.  She's cut two printed sheets of paper from The Scrap Box Kit (See the whole kit here).  Then she's used half of each to create a feeling of looking at a wall of photos....

The strip across the middle adds to this illusion too, and finally shes matted and layer two of the photos to stand out... 

You can do this easily using minimum tools and time, either with a trimmer or a pair of scissors if you have steady hands! A thin brown border around the edge finishes the pages beautifully.
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