July 2022 Meet Our Guest Scrapbooker - Sally-Ann

My love of Scrapbooking started when I was invited to a Creative Memories party.

The journey began with the obligatory 6 – 8 photos, I didn’t like the look of my own handwriting for journaling and to be honest I have only just started to understand the importance of why we journal now.

Sally-Ann guest scrapbookerNow I take photos at every opportunity to scrap be it drinking a coffee, animals, or scrapbook milestone in my life.

I haven’t guest designed for anyone else and I really enjoyed the challenge of the sketch given and the Scrapbox of the month.  I put these pages together at Linda's Memories and Photos retreat, where I opened the Scrapbox kit for the first time and worked to the sketches given.

(Editor - find out more about the retreats here - clicky)

I regularly attend the retreat weekends with Linda, and I have made lots of friends and get inspiration from everyone's pages put together over the weekend.

I run a monthly Scrapbook Day in Flitwick with my best friend Helen, who is also my scrapbook buddy. I live with my husband David in Flitwick and own four horses, and four dogs, as you can imagine I have lots of photos to Scrapbook.

I hope you get great inspiration from my pages and enjoy making your pages using the kit and sketches as much as I have
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