January 2023 - Wk4 Scrapbook Page Layout

Memories are made of this….
I would say, one of the key reasons we make scrapbooks is to enjoy reminiscing, and to share the memories of our lives with our friends and families. It’s important to keep this in mind when creating our layouts.
Scrapbook pages without journalling are beautiful works of art; Scrapbook albums with journalling become precious heirlooms and a history record for family and friends. Each have their place of course but let’s talk about the latter….
Without Maggie’s journalling on this layout, she would have lost the meaning behind the page. Its not just holiday photographs, it’s the story of a particularly different and difficult time and how they coped with it.
Journalling doesn’t have to be a chore; here’s a couple of suggestions for making it easier, illustrated ably by Maggie on her layout.
Write a postcard to your readers. Take a small piece of cardstock, and pretend you are writing a postcard to a friend or family member. Jot down some news about the pictures on your page.
Bullet points. There’s no rule that says you must write in full sentences. To save time, use a bullet point method with the key points about the event or subject. An added bonus is that you can fit more in using this method!