January 2023 - Wk2 Scrapbook Page Layout

Save time – get organised
Our guest scrapbooker Maggie has created a page with wonderful photos and sentiments, from images spanning the months and years. She has her digital images organised using a simple system, making it easy for her to access the photos she needs quickly and easily, saving her loads of time.
There are several ways you can organise your digital images, but the most important point I can make to you, is do something! In addition to enabling you to find what you want, it also makes keeping your photos safe much easier and quicker to implement, and will save you money too (more on this later)
Set up a simple folder system on your device. I recommend sorting by year, month and then event or place. Alternative methods include filing by family name, or by location.
Before you start organising photos into your chosen system, do some editing. I would suggest deleting blurred and duplicate images (how many do we need of the same person or place?) Also think about renaming files to something meaningful so they are easy to find when searching.
Whatever way you decide, make it a priority to act and get your system started. It will take time to get everything sorted, think of organising as a medium-term project, done over a few weeks or months (depending on how many digital photos you have).
Tackle one set of images at a time so it doesn’t get too overwhelming, and you’ll soon be on track to be super organised and able to put your finger on any image when you need it!