January 2023 Wk1 - Scrapbook page layout

Using what you have
This is one of Maggie’s first pages as a beginner scrapbooker, and highlights the rule of using what you have to hand and around you. There’s a number of ways she’s been clever with this technique:
The page is made using the sketch as a model – this makes it really easy for novice scrapbookers to create their first pages quickly and easily. It takes away one of the stress points when starting out – how to design a page.
She’s also utilised the journalling cards from the kit to make adding words a breeze. I’d recommend having a few packs of 4"x3" journalling card packs in your craft bag for exactly this use. it really will save you time.
She’s used a permanent black pen and a large circle template to add the embellishment to the left hand page. Again, this is time saving way to add interest, as opposed to cutting circles from printed paper or card stock.
Finally, she’s reused resources she had to hand from her travels. A list made of all the places they had visited, printed out and added to the page.
I think you’ll agree it’s a beautiful result and documents the journey beautifully