Introducing our September 2021 guest scrapbooker

Introducing our September 2021 guest scrapbooker

I’m, Natalie, a lifelong crafter and crafting and creativity is in my genes. I love to draw and paint which is where my crafting journey started… however, soon that wasn’t enough. 

I started making jewellery when I was 6 and I’m a total magpie… to me a sweetie shop isn’t where you go to get sweets in the traditional sense (and far less fattening).

Natalie Ballard

Then, as I grew older, I wanted to be a fashion designer so I learnt to sew, embroider (and parchment craft in my spare time LOL). Which led me to walk away from a potential career in hairdressing and go to art college instead.

Art college was another huge change in direction for me; probably my first lessons in mixed media in hindsight, playing with bleach making hieroglyphics, making hats and handbags (they always fit :) … and then for whatever reason my brain went… hmm digital fantasy art, I want to do that. So, I tried to convince my fashion tutor to let me switch to fine art… hmm nope but you can try Graphic Design… the rest is history.

Graphic design has meant no boundaries for me, I’ve used mixed media techniques, learnt digital techniques as they were invented and now get to play with some of the most exciting moments in design history.  All along however, the constant has always been making art.

Under normal circumstances, I’d be demoing for Trimcraft as well as teaching up and down the country. To make up for that, I’m currently on DT for Rinea (until August) and Pretty Gets Gritty (until further notice). I’m also a guest DT/Blogger for: Memories and Photos, Creative Fabrica and Craft Bundles.

Crafty likes

  • Chocolate Baroque, Altenew, Pretty Gets Gritty, Graphic 45, Hero Arts (where it all started along with PSX), La Blanche, Bee Crafty, Paper Boutique, Studiolight
  • Pens…. any pens…. every pen :D If ever there’s a pen you need to ask a question on I’ve almost certainly tried it
  • Pencil crayons: Derwent and Prismas all the way
  • Big stamps and dies
  • Cardmaking, mixed media, journaling, scrapbooking, air dry clay, flower arranging, anything wedding
  • Glitter, foil and sparkles
  • Electronic cutters

Crafty dislikes

  • Anything with a health warning

I live in Worcestershire and when permitted love to dance (hubby is a qualified dance teacher). My blog can be found here

You can get The Weekly Sketch, plus our guest scrapbooker's designs here

The weekly sketch link

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