Introducing our April 2022 guest scrapbooker Ali Bown

Ok, here goes !

I live in rural Nottinghamshire with my husband. All three of our children are grown up and married now and we are blessed with 5 adorable grandchildren, aged from 3 weeks to 7 years old, plus 3 older step grandchildren. They all live close by so I always have an abundance of photos to scrap !

We love to travel and I have photos from three major trips that are slowly getting scrapped and into albums. It was on a stay in the USA in the late 1990’s that I discovered Creative Memories and scrapbooking and that was it I was hooked.

I would consider my scrapping style to be relatively clean and simple and I like the photos to be the focus of my pages. I take a LOT of photos so using a sketch for a multi photo double page like Linda shares each week is great to use as a starting point for my pages.

Journalling is important, and after going through several of my aunt's old family albums I feel dates, and names of people and places are absolutely vital for future reference. 

Hopefully my children and grandchildren will appreciate my scrapping efforts in years to come!

April 2022 guest scrapbooker Ali Bown
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