Its time to meet a new guest scrapbooker, Penny is joining us for this month, here's what she had to say....
I’m Penny and I’ve been Scrapbooking since around 2002.
I spent most of my life looking for a way to preserve photos, trying different types of photo albums, and wishing there was a way to journal the photos, to preserve the information for future generations.
Then one of my new neighbours invited me to a scrapbooking workshop and I was hooked!
It helped me to deal with my thousands of photos (I inherited over 2,000 when my in-laws passed away).
My three daughters and my sister also started to scrapbook their photos so it has become a family affair. Most of my photos are of the family (husband, three daughters and seven grandchildren!) and holiday snaps.
I live near Portsmouth in the south of the UK, so am surrounded by beautiful countryside and near the sea. We have spectacular views over the Solent and the Isle of Wight. The lovely views around here often provide me with solace and inspiration for my crafting.
As well as scrapbooking I do several needlecrafts and belong to a needlecraft group, meeting once a week to chat and craft. I find the skills I am developing in both mediums complement one another, but scrapbooking is my favourite and our bi-monthy scrapbook days and occasional retreats are the fun element of this craft!