February 2022 wk3 page layout example

February 2022 wk3 page layout example
This double layout from Vicky has a couple of techniques that you might like to try.
She's saved a map and a ticket from her trip, which adds information and interest to the pages.  Do be mindful when you put tickets, leaflets etc on your pages that they may not be acid free, and could make your photos fade more quickly.  An alternative would be to make a copy of the items, and print on to acid free paper.
Also notice that she's taken a photo of the sign to make her title....  I also love doing this, not only does it save time when you're scrapbooking, but it also serves as a reminder when you are sorting your photos, or where a particular series of images was actually taken.   Its easy on a week's trip to mix up which place is which, or to forget a place name!
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