December 2024 Wk1 Meet your guest scrapbooker Angela
Originally from South Africa, I have been a crafter for about 25 years, starting with decoupage. It wasn’t until a colleague I worked with started chatting about her love of scrapbooking that I really got into it. She invited to my first National Scrapbook Day where my new craft was explored.
I love attending workshops to learn a new skill or get a reminder of a “lost art” and dabble in cardmaking too (mostly from kits). I have tried my hand at knitting and crochet but can’t quite get it right, so paper crafting it will remain.
I have worked in the property industry for close on 20 years and similarly to architecture, crafting is building something from nothing to create something spectacular. For me, crafting is a release from the hustle and bustle of the day-to-day work stresses. Even when I’m not creating anything, I can sit for hours in my “happy place” watching tutorials or paging through a magazine or craft book for inspiration.
I have a few projects on the go at the moment and as much as I have loads of time on my hands, I just don’t seem to get to completing them and they remain Pages Half Done (PHD).
One thing that has kept me going through all the stress of life and moving country, is my ‘tribe’. The amazing ladies I have met over the years who have become my “go to” when I need help with something. During lockdown, a Virtual Scrap-n-Chat group was formed which has been a lifesaver for a lot of us. Where possible we meet up online on Tuesday and Friday evenings and work on our projects while catching up with one another.
Some nights it’s a good laugh (or venting our frustrations) and no crafting gets done and other nights we sit in silence deep into our projects, but we know the others are there. We share ideas, show completed projects, enable a purchase or two. We do try to meet up at least once a quarter as a group, but not always possible.
I live in Norwich in the little town of Reepham. A quiet area in the countryside near one of the historic railways of Whitwell Station. From my first days in England, I have loved every moment and getting acquainted with our new surroundings.
Each Friday afternoon we would set out to find a new place to eat, explore a new town, its churches. I am always taking photos along our travels. My favourite photos are of architecture or nature and if there is a bee, an insect of sorts or wildlife about I will usually take a photo of it.
I started with a modest space for crafting which now flourishes from the various purchases that I continue to add. Soon it will need a re-design and a trip to IKEA for some kallax shelving, lol.