April 2022 Bonus Guest Scrapbooker Cherry-Anne Latham
I have a surprise for you... because its a five week month, I have another guest scrapbooker to introduce! Meet Cherry-Anne....
I currently live in Yorkshire with my husband, and our tabby cat Bailey. My daughter lives two houses away with her daughter and their dog, Poppy, and the rest of our family are scattered throughout the world.
For as long as I can remember, I have always had some kind of hobby, including folk art painting on wood (which I used to sell at a shop at the coast) fabric painting, decoupage, prop painting, Mini album making, junk journalling, Hobbicraft, Trichem, and a little card making. Some were brief (sewing was very brief, lol) but others have endured over the years; scrapbooking is one of them.
When my son had his 21st, I left an album in the dining room table when he had his party. There were layouts of him from birth to adulthood, and by the time we came home after the party (we just stayed for a little while) every album I had ever made was scattered all over the room as people had pored over them, delighting in all the detail. That was when I knew the scrapbooking had been so worthwhile, and when Keagan moved to Australia his albums moved with him, which thrilled me.
I also used to teach classes and had my own little shop from home for a while, and also taught lessons at a craft shop in South Africa.
The style changed, when layouts were being done with just one photo. As an avid photographer, this style didn't appeal to me - I just had too many photos!
However, Linda has revived my interest in the original style of scrapbooking I love, double spread layouts with lots of photos and embellishments for interest, and I have a new country and an active 8 year old granddaughter for the photos I love taking, for the layouts I love making. A win win situation!