David Bailey didn't choose this.....

David Bailey didn't choose this.....

smart phone photo

Are you having a staycation this year? Even if you are just holidaying at home, there's always an opportunity to capture some memories with your camera.

These days, most of us have our smart phones in our bag all the time so there's no excuse - and they are so sophisticated that you can get wonderful pictures for your albums.

Do you remember 'that' advert from the 1990s, with renowned photographer David Bailey using a compact camera at a wedding?   I wonder what he'd choose now?

What is your camera of choice, I'd love to know.  

Do you use a digital SLR, or even a film camera? - Am I alone in preferring my phone camera most of the time?  What do you reach for to capture the moment?

Many people seem to think that mobile phone photography isn't 'real' photography - what do you think?

Do drop me a line or drop into our facebook group....'Craft and Chat with Linda' and let me know your thoughts.....

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